Modern Office Meeting Room | New Office Conference Room: July 2015


Modern small office meeting room design ideas

Once again, I underline an interior design office can provide space to show a portfolio of companies, even your portfolio as a businessman or a professional manager. Besides office interior design is meant to establish the psychological effects of meeting between directors and subordinates scenario, with guests or with colleagues. Assumed that the available space is the space of two shop floor or shophouse. And you want that space can be used for the boardroom and meeting room (meeting room). Either the boardroom or meeting room provides space to meet, talk and communicate. In addition, of course, space to work for a director or manager. In the layout I present it appears that with only two rooms, three models or types of meetings can be scripted. (2) Two models in space communications director / manager, and (1) one model of a meeting in the conference room. I explain one by one. The director of the space can be met in two ways. First, to sit face to face limited by the desk director. Secondly, by sitting on the sofa in the corner of the room did not face to face. Both models of this meeting will give a different psychological effect. The first, by limiting table meeting, will give effect to the authority or authorities which are stronger than sitting on the sofa. In contrast with invited guests or subordinate sitting sideways on the couch, relaxing effect, friendly, cozy, atmosphere of heart-to-heart conversation can be built. Well, depending on the destination you invite someone, you can determine where your guests are welcome to sit. 

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