Modern Office Meeting Room | New Office Conference Room: Office meeting room lighting - Office conference room lights


Office meeting room lighting - Office conference room lights

This is the first work which I make by using software sketch up + v-ray so the results are also not very good. Office meeting room interior was created with a large window openings so that the office meeting room lighting in the daytime can be further optimized, and can save more power consumption. Colors in this space intentionally made by combining wood and white color so that space can be seen more widely. arrangement made with a combination of light yellow lights to illuminate the walls and white lights in the middle room to give color variations on the room.
Office meeting room lighting - Office conference room lightsOffice meeting room lighting - Office conference room lights
Office meeting room lighting - Office conference room lightsOffice meeting room lighting - Office conference room lights
Office meeting room lighting - Office conference room lightsOffice meeting room lighting - Office conference room lights
Office meeting room lighting - Office conference room lightsOffice meeting room lighting - Office conference room lights
Office meeting room lighting - Office conference room lightsOffice meeting room lighting - Office conference room lights

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